
Dare to Dream

Curtin University,
At Kent Street, Bentley, Perth, Western Australia.

I will study and prepare, and someday my opportunity will come”. – Abraham Lincoln.

I have a big dream, that one day I could study in Curtin University. Nobody said that it will be easy and I know, it’s not easy for me to prove it but I believe it will be worth. Nothing is impossible for Allah (I always believe it). I've seen how my sister studied Master in Curtin, and it’s not easy. Sometimes, she has to stay at campus for some night because so many assignments to do. I see how hard she studied at Curtin. I see how stressed she is. But, I’m so interested with all about it.

I have studied at Curtin, once. It’s because my sister asked me to join and study in her class and I’m so excited. “Honestly, I love this campus, I hope I can study in here, ya Rabb” I said. I sat in my sister class, and I listened to what the lecturer said, it was so fun. But there was a little problem, it was because in front of me there was a handsome man who became my view, hehe. After the lecture finished, my sister and I went to Library to meet my sister friends. For the first time I came to Curtin Library. “How cool this place”. Everything about that is something amazing for me.

Although I’m not graduated yet from my study at State University of Jakarta, but I’ve dreamed that I studied in Curtin University. In this dream, I’m in class but all my friends are people from all over the world and I make new friends with people there. In this dream, people speak English with British accent so I can hear them clearly. In this dream, I can speak English fluently and I speak to my friends without any troubles. This dream is different with my experience when I study in my sister class. (well, only me know what I feel about it). I told about this dream to people around me, a few of people around me said “Aamiin” and  many people said to me that it’s just a dream, nothing special about it or it’s just your ambition.

I don’t know if this is just my ambition, but I think nothing wrong with it and I will prove it with permission of Allah SWT. Just believe in my dream and I have to fight for it. Definitely, it will be an incredible learning experiences. In Shaa Allah.

“Where there is a hope, there is faith. Where there is faith, miracles happen”

South Tangerang, Thursday, 15th of August of 2015, 1:27 am

The girl with big dream,

Bahjah Mardiah
(I know my English writing is still bad, I just exercising from now)

4 komentar:

  1. Anonim31/8/15

    inshaa Allah dih aamiin
    tapi isinya apa sih gue ga ngerti bahasa inggris pokoknya liat gambarnya aja wkwk

  2. Sama lyh, icha juga ngga ngerti nulis apa ini huhu

  3. blog nya bagus dhi... dikantor iseng, ketik nama kamu di google muncul blog kamu.. good post ..
